Duke67 Today 5:19 AM
Yes. It’s actually very easy, 30 seconds job. Could also be fully automated -
Duke67 Today 5:21 AM
I’ve noticed there is some diff in how bithomp and ripplecharts count the nodes. Bithomp seems to count all nodes incl. inactive. -
papa Today 5:48 AM
@Xi195 increase in validators is supposed to be increasing steadily into March (based on all gathered whilst surfing) -
papa Today 5:49 AM
The number of validators required for Japan, India & the Middle East -
papa Today 5:50 AM
to be 100% online and accessible by Ripple SF for troubleshooting -
papa Today 5:50 AM
…(driving) -
JoelKatz Today 6:42 AM
I can’t speak for how Ryan meant what he said, but I often say the same thing. If you don’t like XRP ignore it, it won’ -
JoelKatz Today 6:42 AM
it won’t hurt you. -
JoelKatz Today 6:42 AM
I’m hoping that XRP will succeed because even the people who don’t believe in it or don’t care about it will wind up using it because it will make their payments cheaper. -
JoelKatz Today 6:43 AM
And, to be honest, one of the things that hurt traction for RCL was the fact that it forced XRP on people who didn’t want it. -
JoelKatz Today 6:43 AM
I think a lot of this opposition isn’t rational. They’re not evaulating the merits and deciding XRP won’t work for their use case. -
Duke67 Today 6:48 AM
Duke67 Today 6:48 AM
I’ve found that Earthport article that someone has mentioned today quite interesting – http://www.coindesk.com/unsex…blockchain-digital-currency/ -
xrp noob Today 6:49 AM
they’ll kick themselves once it takes off -
xrp noob Today 6:50 AM
NBAD is the head turner -
Duke67 Today 6:51 AM
That Earthport guy basically said: 1/ they use RCL withou XRP, 2/ they have enough MM partners and enough liquidity, 3/ they know how XRP can improve things, 4/ they wait for regulators guidance how to use XRP, 5/ they are ready to turn XRP on -
Duke67 Today 6:52 AM
More or less. My distillate is rather rough, but that’s what the Earthport guy said -
xrp noob Today 6:53 AM
@Duke67 xrp is just waiting for regulation. even a formula one car can’t hit the track without it being certified -
Duke67 Today 6:54 AM
@JoelKatz, I am really curious to see ILP and ILP-enabled RCL in the action. I would like to learn more about how you plan to drive off-RCL generated liquidity via XRP -
JoelKatz Today 7:05 AM
Right now, you can’t save money by using XRP. But if we can get to a place where you can, then people will find ways to get over the regulatory hurdles needed to make it happen. (And we already know ways over those hurdles.) -
JoelKatz Today 7:05 AM
The big trick is overcoming the chicken and egg problem between payment flow and liquidity. -
Duke67 Today 7:05 AM
Wow! -
JoelKatz Today 7:08 AM
We plan to push hard on both sides. Our non-XRP strategy will drive payment volume and ILP will ensure that the payment flow is technically able to be bridged by XRP without technical obstacles. -
Duke67 Today 7:10 AM
The chicken egg problem seemed almost unsolvable. -
JoelKatz Today 7:10 AM
Well the good thing about chicken/egg problems is that you only need to solve one side and the other side solves itself. -
JoelKatz Today 7:11 AM
Though in this case, just creating payment volume won’t be enough. We couldn’t do it without an XRP liquidity strategy because XRP could easily be edged out by other currencies. -
JoelKatz Today 7:11 AM
Part of the XRP liquidity strategy is to ensure that technically XRP is the perfect asset for ILP bridging. That includes things like suspended payments and cryptoconditions in RCL and other things to make XRP a perfect ILP asset. -
JoelKatz Today 7:12 AM
But that’s probably still not enough, we also have a direct XRP liquidity strategy. -
Duke67 Today 7:12 AM
I see. That’s the latest bunch of amendments. -
JoelKatz Today 7:13 AM
I fully concede we have a lot of work to do, a lot of ways this could fail, but if we succeed in a big way, the potential market is huge. -
Sachem Today 7:13 AM
ohh @JoelKatz it feels soo good to hear you say these things -
enej Today 7:14 AM
@JoelKatz +1 -
Duke67 Today 7:14 AM
Can we be of any help? I mean besides of buying small amounts of XRP? -
Sachem Today 7:15 AM
Are there any market making funds still going on? -
faz Today 7:15 AM
@Duke67 yes , we could all stop moaning .. -
JoelKatz Today 7:15 AM
I’m not sure what I can say about short term market maker efforts. I’ll check what I can disclose publicly. -
Duke67 Today 7:15 AM
@faz -
JoelKatz Today 7:16 AM
Short term, I do think our public perception matters. The perceived likelihood of our success significantly affects partners willingness to engage in projects with us that require effort and committment on their part. -
Duke67 Today 7:17 AM
That rants must be really annoying, it would make me really nervous… -
Duke67 Today 7:17 AM
@JoelKatz Interesting. Most of us here understand. -
JoelKatz Today 7:18 AM
@duke67 I don’t just talk in the Zerpbox because I love you guys. -
JoelKatz Today 7:18 AM
Some days, it’s the closest to human contact I get. -
Duke67 Today 7:19 AM
Sure, that “life with computers”, I know what you mean -
Duke67 Today 7:22 AM
Definitely, we love you guys, even if it sometimes looks like we try to push you too hard, we admire your work and the technology! -
xrp noob Today 7:24 AM
@JoelKatz without naming anything public can you tell if there is any big anouncements or anouncement in the future. or even close to any? -
karlos Today 7:24 AM
@Duke67 +1! JK we appreciate you chatting with us and all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes, even if we never say it -
xrp noob Today 7:26 AM
@JoelKatz yeah we really love the fact our version of steve jobs takes the time to talk to us. and we know this will work. its a incredible vision to have -
cannylad Today 7:27 AM
Joel my respect for you is up there with the Gods, it always seems like your a good guy -
faz Today 7:30 AM
war on cash , top heavy stockmarket countrys devaluing their currencys , central banks talking about digital currency. looks like a perfect storm brewing to me … . -
xrp noob Today 7:30 AM
the guys in gatehub are a really nice bunch too -
rippledigital Today 7:31 AM
Thanks @JoelKatz -
JoelKatz Today 7:31 AM
Thanks guys. That means a lot, especially since it’s recently been a tough time for me personally. (Some of you may know that I lost both my parents due to illness over the past two months.) -
rippledigital Today 7:31 AM
I am curious about whether micropayment can help the chicken-egg problem, because it’s so perfect for high volume but low value payments -
rippledigital Today 7:32 AM
@JoelKatz Oh I didn’t know that – so sorry my friend. My heart goes out to you. -
JoelKatz Today 7:32 AM
I’m skeptical about the market for micropayments, but it’s possible that it’s enormous. I’ve yet to hear of good, well-understood use cases. But that was the case for email too, and we sure founds lots of things to use it for! -
cannylad Today 7:32 AM
Sorry to hear that Joel, -
Duke67 Today 7:32 AM
@JoelKatz Hmmmm. That’s always hard. Sorry to hear that. -
xrp noob Today 7:32 AM
@JoelKatz jesus dave really really sorry to hear that. biggest of condolences to you and your family -
JoelKatz Today 7:33 AM
ILP is awesome for micropayments, so I hope there’s tons of things we would be doing but for the fact that we don’t have them yet. -
JoelKatz Today 7:33 AM
Thanks guys. -
faz Today 7:33 AM
@JoelKatz really sorry to hear that .please accept my condolences. -
Morty Today 7:37 AM
@JoelKatz sorry to hear that about your folks. -
Skatebird Today 7:38 AM
xrp noob Today 5:24 PM @JoelKatz without naming anything public can you tell if there is any big anouncements or anouncement in the future. or even close to any -
Skatebird Today 7:38 AM
Accept my condelences too … ;/ -
Morty Today 7:39 AM
Is there any reason why @miguel doesn’t chat with us? Is he just not interested or some other technical reason? -
JoelKatz Today 7:40 AM
I’m not sure. I am in the office in SF today and I ran into him. We had a talk re-sync about XRP strategy. If I see him again, I’ll ask him. -
rippledigital Today 7:41 AM
I think a really nice thing to do could be to put out a brand new XRP-focused video, showing, in layperson’s terms, all the clever potential features of RCL/XRP. Comparing it to other coins, explaining the history of Ripple a bit perhaps, but keeping it non-technical, e.g. -
zero-2-9 Today 7:41 AM
@JoelKatz All the best wishes for you. Must be a tough time. -
Graine Today 7:42 AM
@JoelKatz will you tweak RippleCharts to display data from NBAD or any other partnered FIs that go live on RCL? -
rippledigital Today 7:42 AM
… saying it can swap currencies, through a built-in exchange, without going into extreme details. How it can issue any currency, how it’s secure, doesn’t use proof of work (burn electricity) etc. -
D-fault123 Today 7:42 AM
@JoelKatz I’m sorry to read what has happened. Extremely tough times. -
JoelKatz Today 7:42 AM
We may have some restrictions about what we can say in the agreement, even if the information can be obtained publicly, there may be issues if we confirm it. I’ll try to find out. -
Duke67 Today 7:43 AM
@rippledigital Ripple videos quality has been very high lately… And good points from you! -
zero-2-9 Today 7:44 AM
@JoelKatz Also, thank you for your comments above. Much appreciated. I do especially appreciate the concept that public perception matters (as there is a lot to win there currently to be honest). -
zero-2-9 Today 7:44 AM
@JoelKatz Another way to increase your partners willingness, could be to create (end)customers demand. To an outsider it seems RL abandoned strategies focussing on ´end-costumers´ (wallets, but also solutions for techcompanies, online payments, etc). -
JoelKatz Today 7:44 AM
I have high hopes for the tick size amendment too. -
zero-2-9 Today 7:44 AM
@JoelKatz Could be interesting to one day comments on this, and perhaps spark some initiatives here? Or dont you think this will be of any help? -
JoelKatz Today 7:45 AM
It’s hard to know what’s important. There really isn’t that much that I know of for the community to do other than to be excited and correct misconceptions. I wish I had lots of ideas for small business opportunties in the crypto-currency space. -
Duke67 Today 7:47 AM
These “Bitcoin weeks” when BTC keeps rising so much are very difficult to communicate reasonably. All twitter/reddit full of testosterone bitcoin cowboys. -
Duke67 Today 7:49 AM
But that also will end, no doubt. -
cannylad Today 7:50 AM
Night all, may your gods be with you, Joel thanks for speaking up again -
Duke67 Today 7:52 AM
Night @cannylad. -
Duke67 Today 7:52 AM
I have a small RCL-based project almost ready, a few weeks more is what I need. End user, peer-to-peer. -
Duke67 Today 7:54 AM
You guys will be first to know about it. Good night. Its was very nice today. Thanks and see you tomorrow! -
seve7ete Today 8:04 AM
@JoelKatz sorry to hear about your parents! My condolences! And many thanks for chatting with us here! Fel -
seve7ete Today 8:04 AM
Must be a pain to come her to chat and only get questions about…your work.. it’s difficult for us not to ask. Sorry! -
seve7ete Today 8:07 AM
@duke67 nice! -
xtrapower Today 8:20 AM
@JoelKatz I’ve always enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts and i think you are the best public speaker i’ve seen in this space! Good to have you here!My condolences for your parents… times will get better again.
MundoXRP Today 8:29 AM
@JoelKatz I’m sorry for your loss, my family’s prayers are with you -
namini Today 8:34 AM
@JoelKatz @karlos @Duke67 +1 really appreciate you all guys, it’s a nice community we have -
vickyhunter Today 8:37 AM
@JoelKatz Sorry to hear about your parents. Condolences and prayers for your family. -
cmbartley Today 9:11 AM
@Xi195 are these nodes or validators? -
cmbartley Today 9:14 AM
Sincere condolences @JoelKatz -
cmbartley Today 9:18 AM
@enej, I personally have high hopes for Global iD. When I explain the concept lay people love it. If you could send value to someone’s public ID like their twitter handle or their linkedin profile that would be a gamechanger. -
xtrapower Today 9:56 AM
@cmbartley What exactly is global id? -
xtrapower Today 9:57 AM
But i agree, a self sovereign digital identity is _the_ foundation for a decentralized web -
xtrapower Today 9:58 AM
i also like and follow closely what uport is doing (they are in alpha right now) -
mulder Today 10:07 AM
mulder Today 10:08 AM
@jkatz -
mulder Today 10:12 AM