XRP の流動性プールとリップル社の戦略(David Schwartz) – 2017-06-12

David Schwartz による XRP の流動性プールとリップル社の戦略に関する説明


There are really two separate issues. One is whether Ethereum competes with XRP generally. The other is whether Ethereum competes with XRP for the specific use case that Ripple, the company, is targeting. While the former is a complicated question. The latter is much simpler.

Settling international payments requires a vast pool of liquidity and somebody has to finance creating that pool of liquidity. Ripple holds 60% of the XRP supply and has the ability to use as much of that as is needed to bootstrap the liquidity to target that use case. It’s hard to imagine anyone spending huge amounts of their own money to do that for Ethereum. If you just need a pool of liquidity, and someone else is building it, why should you pay to build it?



ここには2つの別々の問題があります。一つは一般的に Ethereum が XRP と競合するかです。もう一つは、リップル社がターゲットとするユースケースにおいて Ethereumが XRP と競合するかです。前者は複雑な問題ですが、後者はとても簡単です。

国際送金には巨大な流動性のプール(巨大な市場)が必要であり、誰かがこれを生み出すだけの資金を提供しなければなりません。リップル社は全てのXRPのうち60%もの量を保有しており、国際送金の流動性創出に充てることができます。もし Ethereum で同じことをしようと思ったら、誰かが自分のお金を大量に投げ出さなければなりませんが、それは考えにくいでしょう。仮にあなたが流動性を必要としているとして、その横で誰かがすでにそれを生み出していたら、それでもあなたは流動性創出のためにお金を出すでしょうか?


For banks to use some improved technology to facilitate their international payments, they need two big things.

First, there’s everything but the movement of money. That’s governance, rulebooks, integration, compliance, and so on. Ripple is building this with things like Ripple Connect and the GPSG. When Ripple signs a bank, that bank buys Ripple Connect, a software product that integrates with their existing systems and permits the money to move various different ways. Often, when they first implement Ripple Connect, the money moves the same way it always has.

You might wonder why banks would bother if the money moves the same way. The answer is that there are still huge benefits from using Ripple Connect instead of something like Swift, even if the money ultimately moves the same way. In particular, the transfer completes much more quickly, the fees are known in advance, and the success of the payment can be reported to the customer almost immediately.

But to get the maximum benefit, you really want the money to move quickly as well. Imagine if someone receives a very large international payment and then immediately wants to send the received money over a domestic rail. If the receiving bank is sitting with a token that’s only valuable on some particular international banking network that isn’t the domestic rail. what can they do? They have to somehow sell that token to get whatever they need to make the domestic payment. In other words, to make a real instantaneous payment that settles, the received value has to already be at, or very close to, the receiving bank. This means someone has to have a pool of liquidity at or near that receiving bank.

Traditionally, corporations that have to pay out around the globe maintain such pools themselves at their own expense. They keep, say, a pool of money in Thailand so they can pay out in Thailand. And if that pool runs low, they replenish it, taking a few days to do so. That means their pool of liquidity in Thailand must be deep enough to cover several days of anticipated payments in Thailand.

RIpple’s strategy is to incentivize the creation of such pools of liquidity to and from XRP in strategic payment corridors. One way we might do this is to pay those who place the best offers to exchange XRP for domestic liquidity in strategic areas. This will allow payments to not only be made fast but to settle fast because the recipient will receive legal title to funds that have already been pre-placed in their destination payment network. This is precisely what ILP makes possible.

Ultimately, the improvement in efficiency (over just using Ripple Connect and traditional settlement systems) comes from having one big pool of liquidity rather than everyone maintaining their own. The pool will ultimately be dominated by whoever has the lowest cost of capital and the easiest way to move money into or out of that system (depending on the net flow).

What we envision is that in a single, atomic ILP transaction, someone gains ownership of the funds at (or very close to) the sending bank in exchange for XRP which they send to someone who surrenders ownership of funds already at (or very close to) the receiving bank. This means instant payment and settlement without the need for the sender, the sending bank, or the receiving bank to maintain their own pool of liquidity.




まず、資金移動の機能以外にも全てを備えている必要がある、ということです。つまりガバナンス、規則、システムへの統合、コンプライアンス等です。リップル社は Ripple Connect や Global Payments Steering Group(GPSG)などこれを構築しています。リップル社が銀行と契約を交わす際、銀行は Ripple Connect というソフトウェアを購入します。このソフトウェアは既存の銀行システムと統合しつつ、様々なルートで資金を移動することを可能にするものです。銀行が Ripple Connect を最初に導入すると、資金はそれまでと同じルートを通ることが多いようです。

ひょっとしたら、お金がいつも同じルートを通るのなら、銀行は何を悩んでいたのかと不思議に思うかもしれません。その答えは、たとえ結果的に以前と同じルートを通ったとしても、なお SWIFT(のような物)よりも Ripple Connect を使った方がメリットが大きいから、ということになります。具体的にいうと、送金がずっと早くなる、手数料があらかじめ判明する、送金が成功したらほとんど即座にレポートが顧客に送られる、といったことが理由です。



リップル社の戦略は、戦略的に重要な送金ルート上に XRP の流動性プールを作るため、これにインセンティブを与えることです。これを実現する1つの方法として、該当するエリアにて国内流動性を確保するため、XRP と現地通貨の取引で最も良い為替条件を出した者に報酬を与える、というものが考えられます。 これはまた、送金そのものを速めるだけでなく、決済(所有権の移動)も速めることができます。なぜならば資金所有権が(送金そのものに先んじて)受け手側の決済ネットワークにあらかじめ送られるからです。これは正確にはインターレジャー・プロトコル(ILP)が可能にしているものです。

最後になりますが、(Ripple Connect と伝統的な決済システムの両方で言えることですが)送金は、全員が個別に流動性のプールを持つよりも、1つだけ大きなプールを持つ方が効率性が増します。そのようなプールは最終的には、資本コストが最も低く、かつシステム内外への資金移動がもっとも容易な業者によって占められることになるでしょう。(キャッシュフローにも依りますが。)


